Shipping, Customs & Delivery Policy

Order Processing:
All orders will be processed within 1-5 business days. However, there are factors that may affect the processing time, such as incomplete payment, insufficient address information, or seasonal high demand. In such cases, we will contact the customer via email before processing the order to ensure successful delivery.
Shipping Time:
Please note that orders will be delivered within 7-14 business days from the date of processing and not from the date of placing the order. However, there are certain factors that can cause delays in shipping, such as weather conditions, holiday season, shipping company errors, and customs clearance. Though we do not have control over these factors, we will keep you informed with all the available information.
Customs Tax:
Our prices do not include any possible customs tax or duties that your country may impose on packages coming from outside of your country. Customers will be responsible for paying these charges, and they can clarify the rates by contacting their country's customs office.
Worldwide Shipping:
Yes, we ship worldwide, except for military base addresses.
Cancellation and Return Policy:
Cancellation of orders is on a case-to-case basis. Please refer to our Cancellation page for detailed information. We provide prepaid return labels only for damaged items and with prior approval. Please refer to our Refund Policy page for detailed information.
Additional Information:
- Business days do not include holidays and Sundays.
- Please provide a complete and correct shipping address to avoid delays in processing.
- Inovessa is not responsible for any delays caused by the destination country's customs clearance process as it is solely up to them to release your package.
- We do not offer expedited shipping.
- Shipping Protection is an insurance to protect your order from damage, loss, or theft.
- Shipping fees and Shipping Protection Insurance are non-refundable.